EACH/PIC Coalition

EACH/PIC Coalition Submits Letter to OR PDAB on Cost Reviews and Patient Engagement

The EACH/PIC Coalition submitted a comment letter to the OR PDAB on their ongoing cost review process, which included detailed input on the proposed patient request for information form published by the board.

The letter provided concrete suggestions to better integrate patient organizations and patient perspectives into the cost review process. Additionally, the letter urged the board to clarify what improvements they have made to the cost review process for 2025 to ensure transparency and accountability.

The letter also included more detailed feedback from the Patient Inclusion Council. See our post on that letter for more details.

The letter stated:

“We urge the board to put significant emphasis on gathering input from patients throughout the cost review process. This will ensure that the board is appropriately identifying and addressing real patient problems and that patients’ lived experiences are addressed by board proposed policy solutions.”

“Ultimately, we know that defining affordability is a key aspect of the drug review process that the Oregon board is seeking to improve. We urge the board to prioritize patient costs as a key aspect and focus of any affordability measurement, specifically out-of-pocket costs. To the extent that is possible within statute, we implore the board to focus on defining affordability based on patient-reported costs and concerns.”

“[W]e urge this board to keep as a primary focus the needs of patients and work diligently to ensure that access to all treatments is protected. We strongly urge the board and staff to utilize the authority of the board to fully explore with all healthcare stakeholders how cost reviews will be implemented and identify in advance any adverse impact to patients.”

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