EACH/PIC Coalition

EACH/PIC Coalition Submits Letter to VA Gov Urging Veto of PDAB Bill

The EACH/PIC Coalition wrote to Virginia Governor Youngkin ahead of his consideration of H.B. 1724, which would create a PDAB in the state. The letter reiterated the reasoning Youngkin published when he vetoed similar legislation in 2024 and urged him to also veto H.B. 1724.

The letter stated:

“H.B. 1724 is largely identical to the S.B. 274 legislation you vetoed last year. It would create a prescription drug affordability board (PDAB) with the authority to set upper payment limits (UPLs) on high-cost medications that are critically-needed to protect Virginians from severe, disabling, or life-threatening health outcomes.

“In your S.B. 274 veto message, you noted that “imposing arbitrary UPLs could limit access to life-saving pharmaceuticals and harm patients’ health”, as well as the fact that other state experiences with PDABs have led to “high implementation costs, including higher taxes, without significant savings to those in need.”  Because PDABs have continued over the past year to be a costly and ineffective experiment, we urge you to likewise veto H.B. 1724 on the same grounds.”

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