EACH/PIC Coalition

The State of PDABs in 2025

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The first PDAB was established in Maryland in 2019 and since that time, more have been created in states across the country. Additionally, each year more states consider legislation to create a PDAB in their state.

Wondering if there is a PDAB active in your state? The EACH/PIC coalition has created a handout with some key maps to help you engage in 2025. Feel free to utilize the handout for your own advocacy or to share with colleagues and friends.

Current PDABs: The first map demonstrates where PDABs have been authorized by their state legislatures. The activities of the PDABs vary significantly across each state, and we have noted on the map which ones also have the authority to set upper payment limits.

Legislative Outlook for 2025: The second map projects the states that we expect to introduce legislation in 2025 to authorize a local PDAB. Note that there have already been bills introduced in several states and more are expected, so check back often for updates.

We encourage patients and advocates to get involved with their local PDABs, either directly or through the coalition. Sign-up to be part of our national network to receive timely updates on the latest PDAB activity across the nation.

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